A step by step process to get unstuck in your career, determine your professional passion, and decide what’s next for you.

Mainstream job searching advice doesn’t set us up for fulfilment or satisfaction in our work. This does.

In this course you’ll go from feeling overwhelmed and lost in your career to feeling clear and confident in what you want to do and how to communicate it with the world.

Why I built this course

I remember when I was lost in my career and I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I was going in this constant circle of evaluating different options, but not moving forward at all. It was disheartening, frustrating, and exhausting! 

Once I got the support from a coach to take a step back, and truly understand what fulfills me and how I want to live my life, everything changed. The choices became clearer, the path flowed, and I started to get more opportunities that aligned with what I wanted.

After working for 10+ years as a career coach one on one with clients, I saw trends and tools emerge that I did with every client and had the most impact. I thought, everybody needs to know about this! And how could I make this available to people who couldn’t afford to work with me one on one? From that question, this course was born. 

I want you to have the tools and insights that you will use for the rest of your life to bring you clarity, joy, and alignment. 

Who is this course for?

You’re a creative changemaker who’s ready to have a fulfilling career where you can make a difference. You have so much more to offer, and you want to feel valued at work and excited about getting out of bed in the morning!

You know (and hope!) a better option is out there, but you just don’t know what it is and need guidance and direction to find it.


  • You've been in the same career most of your life and you realize it’s not getting any better or

  • You have been trying lots of different things, including going back to school, and still feel unfulfilled and frustrated in your work

You’re in the right place. Keep reading to learn about how Career Change Clarity will give you the tools, guidance, community, and support that you need to find your true calling.

By the end of this program you will:

  • Learn a new approach to finding your career path and understand why the traditional approach has kept you stuck

  • Understand the essence of who you are, your unique value, and how to leverage these skills to ensure your happiness at work

  • Gain a clear picture of what makes you fulfilled at work

  • Gather the concrete information to allow you to choose what path you want to follow

  • Confidently choose your next step and career path

  • Create a powerful brand statement that will communicate clearly what you want and why someone should hire you

Some amazing people I've worked with:

  • Pauline

    “Sarah not only helped from a professional perspective, but also helped me think through fulfilment in my personal life that ultimately cleared a path for me to more thoughtfully pursue a new role. Working with Sarah was a game changer and I accepted a role at a dream company with her support!"

  • Adrienne

    “Would I recommend working with Sarah Brooks as a life coach? The answer is a resounding "YES". Sarah was supportive and encouraging throughout the coaching process, but most importantly she offered resources and tools to get things done.”

  • Kate P

    “Life coaching has helped me to identify who I am, what is important to me, and how to incorporate those activities and traits into my work and life. The most rewarding result of life coaching with Sarah is how empowered I feel."

  • Nicole

    “Coaching from Sarah made all the difference and I was able to move beyond a wall I just couldn't get through before”

  • Alissa

    “Sarah's approach to coaching really has helped me create some permanent changes in my life that will help me be happier and more successful long term.”

  • Jason

    “Sarah has an amazing talent for helping people identify thoughts and behaviors that get in the way of happiness and giving spot-on suggestions to live a better life.”

What's inside

Module 1: Welcome!

Get started and get set up for success!

  • Learn an unique approach to career exploration, and why what you’ve been doing before has kept you stuck 
  • Create the foundation, routines, and rituals that will set you up for success
  • Explore any bonus introductory content that interests you 

Module 2: Who You Are 

Many of us have been so focused on achieving our goals or pleasing others that we’ve lost sight of what we really want and who we are. In this modules you’ll:

  • Understand the essence (or core) of who you are 
  • Discover your unique value and strengths
  • Pinpoint your core values that are essential to you 
  • Learn how you want to integrate these into your work

Module 3: What You Want 

Now that you have a deeper understanding of who you are, you need to understand how this translates to your day to day work. In this module you will:

  • Address mindsets that keep you from moving forward and how to shift them 
  • Get a clear understanding of what makes you happy 
  • Recognize what you need to succeed in work and feel fulfilled 
  • Learn a system to evaluate whether opportunities are the right fit for you

Module 4: Exploration and Information Gathering 

Like any great product or new idea, you need to do some research and testing to learn more and get feedback

  • Gather concrete information to choose what path you want to follow 
  • Take easy steps to combat the “What if I change my job and it’s just as bad” fear
  • Learn how to dismantle limiting beliefs that hold you back from moving forward
  • Get inspiration to move forward

Module 5: Communicate it all 

Now that you know where you want to go, let’s ensure you have a way to communicate it with the world: 

  • Translate your previous work and skills to your new path in a seamless way 
  • Create a clear brand statement highlighting your unique value 
  • Have a clear path forward!

When you enroll you'll get:

  • 5 modules of practical hands-on tools to help you discover your purpose and how to translate that into your next career path. I balance both practical advice with addressing mindset, habits, and beliefs so that you continue to move forward throughout the process.

  • A complete step-by-step plan showing you how to get out of your frustrating work and towards a path that’s a true expression of who you are and your gifts to the world.

  • A private online group to submit questions, get feedback, and connect with others in the course. NOTE: This Self Study format does not include access to me (Sarah)

  • Meditations to support you with shifting your mindset and life.

  • Lifetime access to the course content and any updates I make in the future

You’ll work on a module each week over the course of 8 weeks to ensure you have time to listen and take action on the content without getting overwhelmed. 

Work is such a big area of our life, it can seem like a huge task to change it. I have designed this specifically so that each module is manageable, and have set up implementation weeks for you to catch up and dive deeper into the content.

I know you have everything you need inside of you, and together we can uncover the layers that are hiding the true you. Let me show you how I did it so you, too, can have a rewarding, purposeful career.

It’s not easy to change your career path and ultimately your life, but I know you can do it. I’ve seen hundreds of people and previous clients do it. If they can do it, so can you. I’m so grateful to have these tools and insights. I constantly use them each time I have a decision to make, or as my life and priorities change. The changes in front of me are no longer scary as I know how to navigate them. I want you to feel this way too. It would be an honor to support you on this path.


  • Is this course right for me?

    You are good fit for this course if you are ready for a change and willing to take the time and energy to take a step back and reflect while exploring new options. Regardless of your age, gender, type of work, or career path this course will provide you value. However, you are NOT a good fit if you want someone to tell you what to do, are not willing to put in the work and do personal reflection and exploration, and are not willing to be open to new approaches to exploring your career path.

  • Will this course get me a new job?

    No. This course is not about getting a job, but about determining what you want your career path and purpose to be.

  • When does the course start?

    Whenever you're ready! I've opened up the course to be self study and you can start at anytime. The structure of the course is to work on a module each week for 8 weeks. You will get access to all the content right away, so if you prefer to race ahead, you can do that too :) You'll have access to the recorded videos and materials forever, so you can also go at your own pace or come back at a later date

  • How long is this course?

    8 weeks, however you can go at your own pace since you won't lose access to the course

  • How does this course work?

    Each week you'll focus on a module. Each module will have a combination of video trainings, recorded meditations, worksheets, and handouts for you to complete. I've broken down the process into simple concrete steps.

  • How much time do I need to devote each week? What if I fall behind?

    Between watching the videos and doing the practice areas, we estimate it will take you 2 to 6 hours a week, depending on the topic. As with anything in life, this is what you make of it. You could dive deep and spend a lot of time, or take some of the core concepts and run with those. You will have access to all the content forever, so it's ok if you fall behind or want to space the work out. I've also built in two implementation weeks that will be focused on catching up and doing the work assigned.

  • I need a new job right away, will this course help with that?

    No, this course will not. This course is 8 weeks long and at the end you could be ready to start applying to jobs, but you likely won't before then.

  • Do you have a refund policy?

    I do not have a refund policy, all sales are final

  • Have a question not listed here?

    Send my team an email at [email protected]!